Correction of stain variations in nuclear refractive index of clinical histology specimens

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November 1, 2011
J. Biomed. Opt.;16: 116013 (2011).
S. Uttam, R. Bista, D. Hartman, R. Brand, and Y. Liu

For any technique to be adopted into a clinical setting, it is imperative that it seamlessly integrates with well-established clinical diagnostic workflow. We recently developed an optical microscopy technique-spatial-domain low-coherence quantitative phase microscopy (SL-QPM) that can extract the refractive index of the cell nucleus from the standard histology specimens on glass slides prepared via standard clinical protocols. This technique has shown great potential in detecting cancer with a better sensitivity than conventional pathology. A major hurdle in the clinical translation of this technique is the intrinsic variation among staining agents used in histology specimens, which limits the accuracy of refractive index measurements of clinical samples. In this paper, we present a simple and easily generalizable method to remove the effect of variations in staining levels on nuclear refractive index obtained with SL-QPM. We illustrate the efficacy of our correction method by applying it to variously stained histology samples from animal model and clinical specimens.