
Journal Publications

August 9, 2010
IEEE Trans on Aerosp. Electron. Sys.; 46(3):1557-1566 (2010).
Superresolution of Coherent Sources in Real-Beam Data
S. Uttam and N. Goodman

In this work we study the unique problems associated with resolving the direction of arrival (DOA) of coherent signals separated by less than an antenna beamwidth when the data are collected in the beamspace domain with, for example, electronically or holographically scanned antennas. We also propose a technique that is able to resolve these coherent signals. The technique is based on interpolation of the data measured by an element-space virtual array. Although the data are collected in the beamspace domain, the coherence structure can be broken by interpolating multiple shifted element-space virtual arrays. The efficacy of this technique depends on a fundamental tradeoff that arises due to a nonuniform signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) profile across the elements of the virtual array. This profile is due to the structure imposed by the specific beam pattern of the antenna. In addition to describing our technique and studying the SNR profile tradeoff, we also incorporate a strategy for improving performance through a subswath technique that improves covergence of covariance estimates.

January 29, 2009
S. Uttam, N. Goodman, M. Neifeld, C. Kim, R. John, J. Kim, and D. Brady

We describe a novel method to track targets in a large field of view. This method simultaneously images multiple, encoded sub-fields of view onto a common focal plane. Sub-field encoding enables target tracking by creating a unique connection between target characteristics in superposition space and the target’s true position in real space. This is accomplished without reconstructing a conventional image of the large field of view. Potential encoding schemes include spatial shift, rotation, and magnification. We discuss each of these encoding schemes, but the main emphasis of the paper and all examples are based on one-dimensional spatial shift encoding. System performance is evaluated in terms of two criteria: average decoding time and probability of decoding error. We study these performance criteria as a function of resolution in the encoding scheme and signal-to-noise ratio. Finally, we include simulation and experimental results demonstrating our novel tracking method

Conference Presentations

S. Uttam
Sampling and scrambling in compressive sensing based spectral domain optical coherence tomography
CLEO Laser Science to Photonic Applications (Optical Society of America, 2020) JTu2F.7.
May 10, 2020
S. Uttam and Y. Liu
Three-dimensional nanoscale nuclear architecture mapping for improved cancer risk stratification
SPIE/OSA European Conferences on Biomedical Optics (ECBO) 2019, 23-27 June 2019, Munich, Germany; Paper 11076-38 (2019). [Invited paper]
June 23, 2019
S. Uttam, A.M. Stern, S. A. Furman, F. Pullara, F. Ginty, D. L. Taylor, S. C. Chennubhotla
Spatial proteomics with hyperplexed fluorescence imaging predicts risk of colorectal cancer recurrence and infers recurrence-specific protein-protein networks
Cancer Res; 79 (13 Supplement): 1642 (2019). [AACR Annual Meeting 2019, March 29-April 3 2019, Atlanta, Georgia.]
March 29, 2019
S. Uttam
Hyperplexed immunofluorescence imaging based on spatial proteomics predicts risk of colorectal cancer recurrence and infers recurrence-specific protein networks
Joint Immunology and Computational and Systems Biology Workshop, Jan 23, 2019, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (2019
January 23, 2019
R. C. Burgess and S. Uttam
Modeling the impact of chromatin modifications on the DNA damage response in yeast
Find Your Inner Modeler workshop, Aug 16-17, 2018, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA (2018). [Travel award]
August 16, 2018
F. Pullara, N. Bouhenni, S. Uttam, and S. C. Chennubhotla
Integrative strategies for probing energy landscapes and dynamics of IDPs
Workshop on Intrinsically Disordered Proteins, TSRC 2017, July 11--14, 2017; Telluride, Colorado, USA (2017)
July 11, 2017

Conference Presentations

S. Uttam
Nanoscale nuclear architecture mapping of early carcinogenesis
Paper 12389-32, Quantitative Phase Imaging IX, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco (January 27 - Feb 1, 2023) [Invited]
February 1, 2023
S. Uttam
Label-free nanoscale nuclear architecture mapping of early carcinogenesis
2023 Biophysics and Quantitative Biology in the AI Era, NSF AI Planning Institute at Carnegie Mellon University (Jan 12-13, 2023)
January 25, 2023
S. Uttam
Overcoming the segmentation barrier in in multiplexed spatial proteomic images
UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, Spatial Omics and Computational Imaging in Human Diseases Symposium, Nov 14, 2022. [Invited]
December 1, 2022
S. Uttam
Cancer systems biology in space and scale
UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, Cancer Biology Program Retreat, Oct 24, 2022 [Invited]
November 20, 2022
B. Raymond, D. J. Hartman, and S. Uttam
Spatial Analysis of Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Infiltration in Colorectal Tumors for Predicting Stage-independent Relapse and Death
2022 Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting, Oct 12-15, 2022
October 1, 2022
C. Newman, B. Kochetov, R. Raphael, L. Zhang, and S. Uttam
Understanding the Cellular Landscape of Preclinical Models of Colorectal Cancer
2022 Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting, Oct 12-15, 2022
October 1, 2022
K. Yadav, R. Pawar, A. Singhi, and S. Uttam
Characterizing the Three-Dimensional Nuclear Morphology of Normal Appearing, Immune, and Cancer Cells in Cancer Tumor Microenvironment
2022 Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting, Oct 12-15, 2022
October 1, 2022
P. N. Thota, J. Nasibli, P. Kumar, M.R. Sanaka, A. Chak, X. Zhang, X. Liu, S. Uttam, and Y. Liu
Nanoscale nuclear architecture mapping predicts neoplastic progression in Barrett’s esophagus: a proof-of-concept study
in Gastrointest. Endosc.; 95(6) Supplement, AB230-AB231
September 1, 2022
B. Kochetov, P.D. Bell, R. Raphael, B.J. Raymond, B.J. Leibowitz, J. Tong, B. Diergaarde , J. Yu, R.K. Pai, R.E. Schoen, L. Zhang, A. Singhi, and S. Uttam
Unsupervised sub-cellular segmentation of complex tissue and cell samples using highly multiplexed imaging-derived a priori knowledge
Abstract 1930. Cancer Res 15 June 2022; 82 (12_Supplement): 1930
June 1, 2022
B. Kochetov, R. Raphael, and S. Uttam
Unsupervised segmentation of complex tissue using multiplexed imaging-derived a priori knowledge
Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) 2021 Annual Meeting; Oct 6 - 9, 2021; Orlando, Florida; Abstract 074 - 841 (2021)
October 6, 2021
S. Leng, J. Xu, Y. Liu, and S. Uttam
Demonstration of ability of nanoscale nuclear architecture mapping to study chromatin alteration
Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) 2021 Annual Meeting; Oct 6 - 9, 2021; Orlando, Florida; Abstract reu-011-3129 (2021).
October 6, 2021
D. Pitlor, R. E. Brand, B. Dudley, E. Karlowski, A. Zyhowski, E. J. Metter, R. M. Brand, and S. Uttam
Coefficient of variation based multiplexed ELISA biomarker selection in HNPCC Syndrome Patients
Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) 2021 Annual Meeting; Oct 6 - 9, 2021; Orlando, Florida; Abstract reu-007-3147 (2021)
October 6, 2021
S. Uttam
Sampling and scrambling in compressive sensing based spectral domain optical coherence tomography
CLEO Laser Science to Photonic Applications (Optical Society of America, 2020) JTu2F.7.
May 10, 2020
S. Uttam and Y. Liu
Three-dimensional nanoscale nuclear architecture mapping for improved cancer risk stratification
SPIE/OSA European Conferences on Biomedical Optics (ECBO) 2019, 23-27 June 2019, Munich, Germany; Paper 11076-38 (2019). [Invited paper]
June 23, 2019
S. Uttam, A.M. Stern, S. A. Furman, F. Pullara, F. Ginty, D. L. Taylor, S. C. Chennubhotla
Spatial proteomics with hyperplexed fluorescence imaging predicts risk of colorectal cancer recurrence and infers recurrence-specific protein-protein networks
Cancer Res; 79 (13 Supplement): 1642 (2019). [AACR Annual Meeting 2019, March 29-April 3 2019, Atlanta, Georgia.]
March 29, 2019
S. Uttam
Hyperplexed immunofluorescence imaging based on spatial proteomics predicts risk of colorectal cancer recurrence and infers recurrence-specific protein networks
Joint Immunology and Computational and Systems Biology Workshop, Jan 23, 2019, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (2019
January 23, 2019
R. C. Burgess and S. Uttam
Modeling the impact of chromatin modifications on the DNA damage response in yeast
Find Your Inner Modeler workshop, Aug 16-17, 2018, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA (2018). [Travel award]
August 16, 2018
F. Pullara, N. Bouhenni, S. Uttam, and S. C. Chennubhotla
Integrative strategies for probing energy landscapes and dynamics of IDPs
Workshop on Intrinsically Disordered Proteins, TSRC 2017, July 11--14, 2017; Telluride, Colorado, USA (2017)
July 11, 2017
S. Uttam, F. Pullara, and S. C. Chennubhotla
Comparative dynamics - An information theoretic perspective
Biomolecular Machines Conference - Protein Flexibility and Allostery, May 18-21, 2017, Banff, Alberta, Canada (2017)
May 17, 2017
S. Uttam
Nanoscale nuclear architecture mapping for cancer-risk stratification and prediction
Computational Pathology Lecture Series, April 14, 2017; Computational Pathology Interest Group and Lecture Series, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA (2017). [Invited talk]
April 17, 2017
Y. Liu, S. Uttam, H. V. Pham, and D. J. Hartman
Improved cancer risk stratification and diagnosis via quantitative phase microscopy
SPIE Photonics West (BIOS), Jan 28 -- Feb 2, 2017, San Francisco, USA; Conference: Quantitative Phase Imaging III, Paper 10074-40 (2017).[Invited paper]
February 2, 2017
R. Bista, S. Uttam, D. Hartman, W. Qiu, J. Yu, L. Zhang, R. Brand, and Y. Liu
Investigation of nuclear nano-morphology markers as a novel biomarker for cancer risk assessment using a mouse model
Gastroenterology - San Diego, 2012; 142(5):S-532.
May 1, 2012
S. Uttam, S. Alexandrov, R. Bista, and Y. Liu
Model-based demonstration of spectral tomographic imaging
in Biomedical Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2012), paper BSu3A.61.
February 28, 2012
Y. Liu, S. Alexandrov, S. Uttam, and R. Bista
Probing Cell Nanoscale Structural Properties Using Intrinsic Contrast of Light Scattering
Biophysical Journal, Vol. 102, Issue 3, S1 (2012). [Invited talk ]
February 25, 2012
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